Culinary Secrets of Postpartum Care

Growing up, I was fortunate to witness the culinary magic of my mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother in action. Their kitchen creations sparked a deep love for cooking within me, a passion I now weave into my approach to postpartum care for new mothers.

Spending intimate, quality time with these women during such a pivotal period in their lives has granted me profound insights and revealed intriguing patterns. Recently, I experienced a moment of epiphany, realizing there's something truly special in these observations.

In my interactions with new moms during their first few weeks after giving birth, I've noticed three intriguing phenomena.

Firstly, there's often a strong craving for familiar foods—those nostalgic dishes from childhood or any comforting meal.

Secondly, there's a peculiar uncertainty about food choices, a subtle aversion that isn't always recognized as such.

And thirdly, for mothers exclusively breastfeeding, there's a constant need to elevate their water intake, often by infusing it with fresh lemon, lime, cucumbers, or muddled fruits to stay hydrated.

When I step into the kitchen to cook for a new mom, my goal is to evoke excitement about her meals. I understand that for her, nourishment isn't just about sustenance—it's a highlight of her day. She's not only caring for a tiny being but also getting reacquainted with herself in this new chapter of womanhood. Food takes on a different significance now, marking her own rebirth.

I want every mom I serve to feel incredibly supported, as if they're experiencing their own personalized postpartum care service akin to having a private chef and doula rolled into one—a comforting sanctuary in the whirlwind of early motherhood.


Self-care for postpartum does not exist in isolation.